Rite now we are in the car, on the way back to kangar. Huhuhu.. Aisy first long journey.
After more than 4months duduk kat kg aku since dari 8bulan till da abis it's the time to go back to husband's place. So far aisy sleep soundly cuma macam tak biasa lg tdo dlm keadaan gegerak camni. Berkerut muka dia. But still tdo. Anak aku ni mmg kuat tdo. Takpelah dari kuat nangis kan.. Hehe..
Yeahh..leh la jenjalan pas ni. Sonok-sonok..bosan dah 4 bulan terbatas pergerakan.
But one thing for sure, my mom and family suma akan merindui aisy. Hehe..esp my mom lah. Dia yg duk jaga aisy. First cucu lah kata kan.. Takpelah, mak leh rehat dah.
Ape pun aku bersyukur sbb my family byk membantu aku sepanjang ada aisy ni..alhamdulillah..
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
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1 month ago